Bu Blogda Ara
28 Şubat 2011
24 Şubat 2011
Incredible India 2.2
21 Şubat 2011
A Lovely Protest from ArtAgainstCuts
This blog is an umbrella space for students, artists and cultural workers to display and align their ideas and actions against the cuts.
We are fighting back against the most significant governmental attack on the public sector in living memory. In the arts we are anticipating feeling the full weight of this socially irresponsible policy, especially in terms of funding for arts education. We are in solidarity with the other sectors fighting against the cuts and openly welcome co-ordinated action in creative and innovative ways.
Wisconsin Teachers - 4th day in strike
- Click to read the news on the struggle of Wisconsin workers for their union rights: http://socialistworker.org/2011/02/18/class-war-in-wisconsin
- And the song with the voice of Pete Seeger...
- When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run,
- There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun;
- Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one,
- But the union makes us strong.
- Solidarity forever,
- Solidarity forever,
- Solidarity forever,
- For the union makes us strong.
- Is there aught we hold in common with the greedy parasite,
- Who would lash us into serfdom and would crush us with his might?
- Is there anything left to us but to organize and fight?
- For the union makes us strong.
- Chorus
- It is we who plowed the prairies; built the cities where they trade;
- Dug the mines and built the workshops, endless miles of railroad laid;
- Now we stand outcast and starving midst the wonders we have made;
- But the union makes us strong.
- Chorus
- All the world that's owned by idle drones is ours and ours alone.
- We have laid the wide foundations; built it skyward stone by stone.
- It is ours, not to slave in, but to master and to own.
- While the union makes us strong.
- Chorus
- They have taken untold millions that they never toiled to earn,
- But without our brain and muscle not a single wheel can turn.
- We can break their haughty power, gain our freedom when we learn
- That the union makes us strong.
- Chorus
- In our hands is placed a power greater than their hoarded gold,
- Greater than the might of armies, magnified a thousand-fold.
- We can bring to birth a new world from the ashes of the old
- For the union makes us strong.
- Ralph Chaplin
18 Şubat 2011
Incredible India - 2.1
17 Şubat 2011
Kaldırımlar / The Sidewalks
Yürüyorum, arkama bakmadan yürüyorum.
Yolumun karanlığa saplanan noktasında,
Sanki beni bekleyen bir hayal görüyorum.
Kara gökler kül rengi bulutlarla kapanık;
Evlerin bacasını kolluyor yıldırımlar.
İn cin uykuda, yalnız iki yoldaş uyanık;
Biri benim, biri de serseri kaldırımlar.
İçimde damla damla bir korku birikiyor;
Sanıyorum, her sokak başını kesmiş devler...
Üstüme camlarını, hep simsiyah, dikiyor;
Gözüne mil çekilmiş bir âmâ gibi evler.
Kaldırımlar, çilekeş yalnızların annesi;
Kaldırımlar, içimde yaşamış bir insandır.
Kaldırımlar, duyulur, ses kesilince sesi;
Kaldırımlar, içimde kıvrılan bir lisandır.
Bana düşmez can vermek, yumuşak bir kucakta;
Ben bu kaldırımların emzirdiği çocuğum!
Aman, sabah olmasın, bu karanlık sokakta;
Bu karanlık sokakta bitmesin yolculuğum!
Ben gideyim, yol gitsin, ben gideyim, yol gitsin;
İki yanımdan aksın, bir sel gibi fenerler.
Tak, tak, ayak sesimi aç köpekler işitsin;
Yolumun zafer tâkı, gölgeden taş kemerler.
Ne sabahı göreyim, ne sabah görüneyim;
Gündüzler size kalsın, verin karanlıkları!
Islak bir yorgan gibi, sımsıkı bürüneyim;
Örtün, üstüme örtün, serin karanlıkları.
Uzanıverse gövdem, taşlara boydan boya;
Alsa buz gibi taşlar alnımdan bu ateşi.
Dalıp, sokaklar kadar esrarlı bir uykuya,
Ölse, kaldırımların kara sevdalı eşi...
Necip Fazıl Kısakürek
The Sidewalks
I'm in the street, in a street all lonely
Walking, without looking back even once, walking
At the point my path is mingled with the black
I seem to see, for me, a phantom is waiting
Ashen clouds overcast the darkling sky
Lightening bolts seek the chimneys of the houses
Humans and fairies are at sleep, only two comrades awake
I am the one and the other is these vagrant sidewalks.
Drop by drop, a fear collects in me
I feel the demons blocked the exit of every street
The houses, like blind men with their eyes ripped free
are fixing their dark black windows on me.
The sidewalks, mother to the suffering lonelies
Sidewalks, is a man who has lived in me
Sidewalks, their sound is heard when all sounds cease to exist
Sidewalks, a language curling up within me.
I'll not give up my life in a soft embrace
I am the child breastfed by this sidewalk
Please let no morning come to this dark street
On this dark street, do not ever let me finish my journey.
Let me go and the let the road go, let me go and let the road go.
Let the street lamps flow past me like a flood
Let the hungry dogs hear the click-clack of my steps
Let there be an arch, vaulted in gloom, on my way
Neither I wish to see the morning nor I wish to be seen.
The daylights can stay with you, give me the darkness.
Let me wrap my body with a soaked blanket
Cover me, cover, spread the darkness over me.
If my body, full-length on these stones could lie
If these cold stones would draw the fire from my brow
Like these streets plunging into a mysterious drowse
If only the sidewalks' melancholic mate would die
*Translated by: Walter Andrews
Edited by Ali Riza Arican, 17 February 2011
16 Şubat 2011
Sigaramın Dumanına Sarsam / I wish I Wrap You ...
I wish I wrap you with the smoke of my cigarette
I wish I wrap you with the smoke of my cigarette and hide you there.
I wish I wrap you with the smoke of my cigarette and hide you there.
Don’t go, don’t go, there is no way back from where you go
Don’t go, don’t go, you will be a stranger and this will hurt me.
Your absence may get longer and longer yet I won’t forget you
Your absence may get longer and longer yet I won’t forget you
Don’t go, don’t go, there is no way back from where you go
Don’t go, don’t go, you will be a stranger and this will hurt me.
In the evening, the melancholy surrounds me again
My heart is a place of fire, come and save me from yourself
In the evening, I wander in the streets
A torn poster, I saw you on the wall
I wish I wrap you with the smoke of my cigarette and hide you there.
Your absence may get longer and longer yet I won’t forget you
Don’t go, don’t go, there is no way back from where you go
Don’t go, don’t go, you will be a stranger and this will hurt me.
Translated by Ali Riza Arican - 16 February 2011
Sigaramın dumanına sarsam
Sigaramın dumanına sarsam saklasam seni
Sigaramın dumanına sarsam saklasam seni
Gitme gitme gittiğin yollardan dönülmez geri
Gitme gitme el olursun sevdiğim incitir beni
yokluğun ah yol yol olsa uzasa unutmam seni
yokluğun ah yol yol olsa uzasa unutmam seni
Gitme gitme gittiğin yollardan dönülmez geri
Gitme gitme el olursun sevdiğim incitir beni
Akşam vakti sardı yine hüzünler
Kalbim yangın yeri, gel kurtar beni senden
Akşam vakti dolaştım sokaklarda
Yırtık bir afiş, seni gördüm duvarda
Sigaramın dumanına sarsam saklasam seni
yokluğun ah yol yol olsa uzasa unutmam seni
Gitme gitme gittiğin yollardan dönülmez geri
Gitme gitme el olursun sevdiğim incitir beni
15 Şubat 2011
Incredible India - 1.2
13 Şubat 2011
Şairler Yalan Söyler - Poets Often Lie
32 usta şairin eserine atıfta bulunulan ve tüm şairlerin affına sığınılarak; kendisi de şair olan Halil Çalışkan tarafından, edebiyat tarihimizin en güzel şiirlerine nazire olarak yazılmıştır.
Story of the poem:
This poem is written by Halil Çalışkan who is himself a poet. The poem refers to 32 famous Turkish love poems while requesting the poets' forgiveness. It is written as a sarcastic response to the most beautiful love poems in Turkish Literature.

Şairler yalan söyler...
hiçbir şeyim değilsin
sana muhtaç, sana tutsak
sana mecbur değilim
ne bir şarkısın sen ömür boyu sürecek
ne de arım, balım peteğim
güzel oymuş kime yandıysa yürek
lazım değilsin artık sen hava gibi
bir de ekmek kadar mübarek...
Poets often lie...
You are not my nothing
Neither I need you nor I am your prisoner
I am not obliged to you either
You are not a song that will last for a life
You are not my bee, not my honey, not even my comb
Beauty is what my heart fell for
You are neither needed as I need the air
Nor you are a blessed one as much as bread

Şairler yalan söyler
gelmeyecek olanı beklemem asla
ne hastanın sabahı
ne şeytanın günahı beklediğinden fazla
İstersen unut beni
saat onikiyi ilk vurduğunda
unut ki ayrı kalsın gözlerinden gözlerim
dudak payı nedir ki çay bardağında
sen git siyah gözlerine ben gelmeyeyim...
Poets often lie
I won’t wait for the ones who won’t come
Neither more than a patient waits for the morning
nor more than the Satan waits for the sin
If you wish, forget me.
When the clock hits 12 first time
Forget me so that my eyes stay apart from yours
What is the space for lips on the tea glass anyway?
You go away so I won’t come to your black eyes…
Şairler yalan söyler
nasıl sever minnacık bir kadını
mavi gözlü dev
tutuşur mu hiç kandiller kendisinden
ve üşür mü lambada titreyen alev
prangalar giymedim hasretinden eskisin
kadınım kısrağım karım değilsin
orada bir yerdesin belki uzakta
yârim değilsin...

Poets often lie
How can the blue-eyed giant
love a teeny-weeny woman?
How can the candles be lit by themselves?
And how does the flame in the lantern feel cold?
I did not wear shackles that worn off because I yearn for you
You are at somewhere, perhaps far from here
You are not my sweetheart…
Şairler yalan söyler
ağlarlar, sesleri duyulur mısralarda
zehri şeker ederler şekeri zehir
saksılarda yalnızlıklar büyütür
anlatırlar aşk dediğin kaç kişiliktir
sanma leyla, ela gözlü bir çöl ahusu
ve Şirin'in güzelliği ömre bedeldir
mecnunu çöle düşürüp, ferhat'a dağlar deldiren
aşk değil, şairlerdir...
Poets often lie
They cry, their voice is heard in the poems
They make the poison sugar, make the sugar poison
They grow loneliness in the pots
They tell us how many people needed for love
Do not think that Leila, was a hazel-eyed desert beauty
And Shirin’s beauty deserves a life
What drew Mecnun to deserts, made Ferhat perforate the mountains
is not the love but the poets
Şairler yalan söyler
yalvarırlar gitme diye hep adını gizleyip
yıkılmazmış oysa gidersen bu kent
meğer sevilmezmiş, insan sevdiği kadar
anladım, gelmem artık açsa da ıhlamurlar
heyhat, sana bakmak bir ahmaklıkmış
gülü susuz bıraktım ve aşkı sensiz
yetmez artık ölmem için bir bakış
Çıktım kör kuyulardan, usulca merdivensiz...

Poets often lie
They beg “do not go” while hiding her name
This city did not break down after you leave
I now knew that one cannot be loved as much as s/he loves
I learnt it, I won’t come back even if the lindens blossom
Ohh, it was foolishness to stare at you
I left the rose without water, I left the love without you
A glance is no more enough to kill me
I got out of the waterless wells, silently, without a ladder…

Yazan / Written by Halil Çalışkan
Çeviren / Translated by Ali Rıza Arıcan - 13.02.2011
Kaynak / Source: www.eksisozluk.org