Watching the moon silencing the music coming from the violins

The more we talk of freedom, the more tumours pop up on our skins
Unwanted words unveil the mutual misinterpretation of how
my face became crowded with the misery of the immortal sins

A thunder finds me unprepared in my little bunker, scares me to death
Lullabies fill the sky, the tears and the gas masks falling out of breath
The last question to utter to the approaching executioner could be why
my face is crowded with the wounds from the unforgettable wrath
This bed sheet is our space, the edges are the ends where rivers pour
Dream recorders, day dreamers and love makers do not live any more
Fingers walk on it, eyes look for the falling secrets to reveal when
my face started to be crowded with an unwinnable class war
We are the prisoners of life, we are the guardians of the each other
Love makes one lonelier no matter how much he tries to ignore
It is the destiny, neither you nor I will ever understand who made
my face crowded with the miseries of the kisses from an unwanted love

Wings only hurt when the canary is locked in a cage, in a cage.
One cannot lose the other without having first, you can wage
The biggest secret of the world appears when the lips of a lover touch the other’s face
to turn it to a crowded street resembling the nonchalance of a young age.
AA - 2010
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