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27 Ekim 2006

Letters from Vietnam 42

27th October 2006 - 17:43 - HCMC

When Z claimed that he wanted to live without being part of a category, his friends and his parents tried to persuade him for not pursuing an ideal which has no exit. Nobody knew his motivation and nobody had chance to learn. However, Z believed in himself and he continued to do what he really dreamed of. He first got rid of all social obligations, and then isolated himself from all worldly businesses. He was free at the end! He was selfless because he did not take any history together with him. He did not have a past and he did not have a prospective future. There was only ‘now’ for him and he lived only for ‘now’. It did not take long for him to see that self is an illusion which comes from where he belongs to. The more he stayed away from his past, the more he felt weightless. He lived the life of an ‘absolutely free man’. Nobody told him what to do and he decided on everything for the best benefit of himself. He lived a life of a dervish in the heart of the city, in a small apartment. But soon his fame spread to the entire building, then to the street and to the whole city. It did not take long for the entire population of the country learnt about his lifestyle.

Then a few young people wanted to have a same kind of freedom for themselves. They all isolated themselves from all the categories they belong to and started a free life. They felt as light as a feather as if they are not bounded by any rules of the categories which they left behind. It was like an earth of no gravity! You can stand but only if you really want! A place with no authority! A place with no self in itself!

Soon later, these category-free people felt that if there is no rule, then they can do everything they wanted. This of course caused a big problem for the people who still belong to other certain categories. First security forces warned them to keep quiet. When a few category-free people have been arrested by the police for excessive use of certain things, people from other categories united against them and had large demonstrations on the streets. It was time to get together for category-free people but nobody knew how!

Firstly, it was hard since if they come together then they will lose their most important characteristic which makes them unique. They had meetings but could not reach to a common point. Many of them left the life style of category-free people and joined one of the big categories in the society. The rest stayed silent for a short time until someone made a standing for the rest.

One day, Z talked with another category-free man and told him that category-free people must have some common points other than being part of category-free. They both put all their tangible characteristics to compare and at the end they found a common point: Both of them were drinking the coffee without sugar and with cream. This was the only common point in both. Now it was time to find others who also like to do same thing. It did not take too long to find a few more who also like to drink the coffee with cream and without the sugar. Then, Z invited them to join them so that they will have a ‘self’ and possibly a ‘history’. Almost all the category-free people joined them. The rest died without any category and being forgotten soon. Those who joined to this new category wrote their history. Z has always been remembered as the founder of this new category and his category-free years have been recognized by “dark ages” of his life. His first meeting with the other category-free man was official beginning of time for the new category and the history for them started at that point. Before that there was only darkness and chaos. After that there was sun light and joy.

Years later, one woman in the category of the people who like the coffee without sugar and with cream, accidentally has tasted the coffee with sugar and with cream. She exclaimed with her slowly enlarging eyes! “This is good!” she said without knowing that it was the sugar which made it tastier for her. She offered the same coffee to her friends who are also in the same category. Soon later, there was a small category whose members were enjoying the coffee with sugar and cream. But this caused another problem with the old members of the category. They said it is against the rules of the category and those who continue drinking coffee with sugar and milk have to leave because they are ruining the glorious future of the category by betraying the history.

All the new adventurers turned back to old habit of drinking coffee without sugar and with cream again except for one. Her name was L and she said she would rather to become category-free than return to old fashion. Her friends tried to persuade her not to pursue an ideal which has no exit but she did not listen to them. He started a new life for herself only and did everything she wanted without considering her history. She was feeling selfless like Z felt long ago. But the fame which destroyed Z did not leave her alone either…

The cycle of category-free people never ended…

Nobody knew that this was the history of self!

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