You own houses, large.
The world, boring, you undress on the thresholds.
Your child didn’t stay locked in the rooms, even for one day.
No one entered your house without your permission.
Night is still that fairy tale for you to sleep on.
None of the meetings you joined is counted as crime
You never objected anyone for someone else.
The world, boring, you undress on the thresholds.
Your child didn’t stay locked in the rooms, even for one day.
No one entered your house without your permission.
Night is still that fairy tale for you to sleep on.
None of the meetings you joined is counted as crime
You never objected anyone for someone else.
Uniform is your last word, as it is your inner clothes.
Labour is called labour only if is it yours.
You never forced to keep silent by your own despair.
There is no one you had to turn your back to.
Your country was geographical information, boring as hell.
If our first virtue was not to see, the second one was to forget.
You never entered into the back streets.
Your mother knows neither the police stations nor the prisons.
You never started kissing a woman from her heels.
Evening is a down feeling, the one you won't be able to solve.
Nobody’s loneliness fell on to your threshold.
The biggest language was the one you speak.
You never made your father disappointed.
You were not laughing, abhorring others were your wedding*
Cranes never flied in your voice with their wings
We were the ones embarrassed of your distances.
The people were a black stain, spatters to your clothes in every step.
Youth is the growing danger while you get older.
Numbers, numbers were your biggest readings.
Your happiness is so lonely that it never becomes three people.
You never looked into a gun barrel
It is always a feast when you return from the city.
There is no one
shot in your family photographs.
We were majority but the one heard was your voice.
And we expected only a spacious courtyard from you…
To you, who, what, how—
Did we have our
sorrows in the same language?
Is this the same century in which we live now?
Şükrü Erbaş, Üç nokta beş harf/ Yalnızlık heceleri
Everest Yayınları, Eylül 2004
Translated to English by Ali Riza Arican – 10 May
* I am not sure if I understood this line correctly. The translation is direct, not trying to catch the meaning.
* I am not sure if I understood this line correctly. The translation is direct, not trying to catch the meaning.
Avlu Genişliği
Sizin evleriniz var, büyük.
Sıkıntı diye soyunduğunuz dünya, eşiklerde.
Çocuğunuz odalarda bir gün kapalı kalmadı.
Habersiz girmedi kapınızdan kimse.
o masal hâlâ uyumanız için.
Gittiğiniz hiçbir toplantı suç sayılmadı.
Başkası için itiraz etmediniz kimseye.
Üniforma son sözünüz, içinizden giydiğiniz.
Emekten, yalnız kendinizi anladınız.
Susup kaldığınız olmadı hiç.
Arkanızı döndüğünüz, yoktu.
Bir coğrafya bilgisiydi ülkeniz, sıkıcı mı sıkıcı.
Birinci erdeminiz görmemekse, ikincisi unutmaktı.
Ara sokaklara gitmediniz hiç.
Anneniz ne karakol, ne hapishane bilir.
Bir kadını topuklarından öpmediniz bir kez.
Akşam kötü bir duygu, bir türlü çözemediğiniz.
Kimsenin yalnızlığı düşmedi eşiğinize.
En büyük dil sizin konuştuğunuzdu.
Babanızı bir gün üzmediniz.
Gülmüyordunuz, küçümseme düğün ediyordu.
Turnalar uçmadı sesinizde bir kanat.
Utanan biz olduk uzaklığınızdan.
Bir kara leke halk, her adımda üstünüze sıçrayan.
Gençlik, büyüyen tehlike siz yaşlandıkça.
Sayılar ve sayılardı en büyük okumanız.
Sevinciniz öyle tenha ki üç kişi olamıyor.
Bir namludan içeriye bakmadınız hiç.
Hep bir şenlikti çarşılardan dönüşünüz.
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