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26 Kasım 2006

Letters from Vietnam 50

26th November 2006 – 11:23 - HCMC

Writing everyday a half page was going well until I ended the story. For the last 4 days, I could not apply the same routine because I could not find a new topic to write about. There are a few ideas to write stories but those are usually either overly metaphoric or frequently used by other writers before. Creating something original is not easy in the sense of writing. First the writer must know what to write and then decide how to write. Moreover, to start a story with a nice beginning is not good enough. The writer should develop the material, create characters and plot and hide the message she/he wants to give to the reader. All together, the process requires the skills of a craftsman and thoughts of an intellectual.

One of the new ideas came to my mind recently when I read Guy Debord’s thoughts on spectacles. I sent the aphorismic seeds of thoughts to A and we had several e-mails on the people, society and living without spectacles. A possible story could be like this: A man loses his way in a city or he also may be kidnapped to somewhere unknown. When he opens his eyes, he sees everyone in the city wearing glasses in different shapes, colours, sizes, specifications etc. He soon realizes that he also wear some glasses which he ha never seen before. When he removes his glasses from his eyes, he realizes that he is not able to see anything. Then the conversations start with a child whose glasses change very frequently and with an adult mother whose glasses are old and rusty. The details can make the story more remarkable but still there is something missing: Conflict! May be he will want to go back to his hometown, or he will look for someone, or a beautiful girl will attract him to another unknown world where he will see more peculiar things. As we know that the conflict is the engine of the story, then without it, the story will be dull and useless. Actually I am a little bit tired of writing stores with full of metaphors. I want to try something more real and more tangible to the real people. Hiding a philosophical truth behind a story may not be so bad but one should be very careful with this because the reader may give up philosophical transformations very easily. I like reading stories like Metamorphoses, Animal Farm, Blindness and Nose etc... And I also like writing these kinds of stories. However, since I have written so many stories similar to this kind, it might be right time to try something different.

Those who follow the news in Turkey must know the last story of “Emperor is Naked”. The story is almost the same. A few months ago, an energy company in Turkey claimed that they have invented a machine which converts nothing to energy, or in more technical terms, the machine’s output energy is much larger than its input energy. You give 1 Watt-hour and get 100 Watt-hour. They also said that it has nothing to do with nuclear energy which is still quite unknown to my country. A reasonable scientist can only laugh at this claim. It actually happens in Turkey by this way now. Scientists from prestigious universities say “it is impossible” but the company spokesman still claims that their invention will change the world. They already spent millions of dollars for advertisement campaigns. The interesting thing is they had a press conference last week. The attendees were mostly retired army generals and ultra-nationalist lawyers/prosecutors. They make the invention as the symbol of “power of Turkish mind”. However, nobody has seen this machine so far. They say because the machine is very important for the future of the world, they hide it. They also said that they have applied to Turkey’s patent institute already. This means their invention will be recognized by an official institution of Turkey. However the patent institute did not approve anything yet and they said the purpose of the machine is not clear. All this mess is caused by a few generals who believe Turkish mind is more powerful than rest of the world and they think by challenging the universal laws of Physics –especially Thermodynamics- they can create new fuse around themselves. The comedy actually starts here. Our generals think that even the Physics laws must be under the control of Turkish army so that nothing can be out of their sights. I laughed a lot when I read the news first and I thought there must be some misunderstanding. There might be a machine which can convert one type of energy to another type of energy. In fact, modern life is based on these converters. But I can not believe that a machine which can create more energy than it takes unless it can be explained by some ad hoc hypothesis by scientists. The retired army general in the press conference said that their invention could not be explained by present Physics laws. That means the whole thing is unscientific and simply rubbish. If he says they have called scientists to investigate the situation and bring some scientific explanation, I would say they might be right. But so far not a single scientist saw the machine or said something in the favour of machine. This company keeps fooling the media and makes people busy with their stupid ultra-nationalist ideas which I still can not find a connection with the machine. The funniest explanation came from another general when he has been asked about the machine. He said the machine works with the principle of inertia. Either he does not know what inertia is or he thinks Turkish people are stupid to understand inertia. First of all, there is no such a thing like “principle of inertia”. There is inertia and it belongs to the shape of the object. Two objects with same mass and same density can have different inertias depending on the distribution of mass around the centre of gravity. That is why when you rotate around your own axis while your hands are open to the both sides your speed is lower comparing with rotating while your hands are sticked to your body (Conservation of Angular Momentum –I1*W1=I2*W2-). When you stick your arms to your body, your inertia becomes smaller and then your angular speed increases. Nothing can be created by inertia because it is not a thing but it is a property which comes with the shape of object. I also read news about some electricians who claimed that the invention belongs to them but the company stole it without paying them. None of these electricians explained how the machine looks like and how it works. This is why I said at the beginning the story reminds me the story of “The emperor is naked”. There is an invisible machine which is supposed to be magnificent in terms of creating new energy and solving our planet’s deadly hunger for new energy sources. Let’s wait and see this invention of 21st century… As the 8th president of Turkey used to repeat frequently: 21st century will be belong to Turks… I hope my people will not be ridiculed by others for such a useless machine which creates energy from energy while losing most of it during the process…

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