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19 Kasım 2006

Letters from Vietnam 49

19th November 2006 – 10:05 – Home / HCMC

He jumped out of the bed with the fear of being late to his job but soon he realized that it was Sunday morning. The clock was on the table, faced down! “Did the alarm ring?” he asked himself. There was no sound in the room. He felt as if the power has been cut off abruptly at the middle of a rock concert and a vacuum of nothing to fall into could easily be sensed in the air. He put his hand on his stomach to check if it turned to normal after the heavy drinking session last night. He sat up on the bed to see the clock and took the clock in his hand to check whether it still works. There was no sound coming from the running seconds of the clock but on the large glass screen it was visible that the clock works perfectly. He could not solve the contradiction and put the clock back on the table.

When he entered to the living room, the silence of the room made him confused again. No sound was coming from outside. He opened the windows to hear the honking cars and crying babies but there was nothing in the air. No singing birds, no blowing air, no swinging trees, no beeping motorcycles… It was absolute soundlessness! He thought about last night and the things happened with his friends. One of his friends, the one who is pregnant, told him that there is an alchemist in neighbourhood and he can help everyone to make their wishes true. He barely remembers that he liked the idea of going to an alchemist to solve his everlasting problems. At the end, it was too good to believe that there is someone who can solve the problems without any scientific process which generally needs more attention, more discipline and more money. They went to the alchemist’s house together. On the road, she told him that she was pregnant. He shook her hand to congratulate her and her husband as if they reached to a final point in their long marathon of business negotiations. When he thought of this scene, he chuckled but again not being able to hear any sound from himself, he felt upset. He recalled the house of the alchemist and the garden which was surrounded by all sorts of flowers. It was the most beautiful and colourful garden he had ever seen in his life. They entered to the house to meet the alchemist. Then he remembers nothing about the rest. It was all blank! What was his wish? What did he ask from the alchemist?

He sat on the sofa and tried to think what he can do now. The best thing to do is to contact K and ask her what he wished last night in Alchemist’s house but he could not figure out how! He can not even hear his own voice! He yawned deeply as if the problem itself is something superficial and could be solved if he just stops worrying and keeps calm. If he calls her, then he will learn nothing. He might be able to ask her the problem but not getting a response directly makes the method dull. He thought about going to her house but the absolute silence of the city scared him. Without hearing the sound of the city, it would be so difficult to walk on the streets, to cross the road or even to get on the bus. Then he decided to write an e-mail to her. It was the best way to reach her although it can be considered as slow. He had to wait until she checks her e-mail and he has no idea about how often she checks her inbox at the weekends. He wrote an e-mail without hearing the clicking sound from hitting the keyboard and sent to her immediately. In the letter, he said “I am totally deaf now! It must be something from the alchemist we met last night. I remember nothing about the time after we arrived to the big house. What was my wish?”

Just after sending the letter, he called her as well. On the phone, because he can not hear what she says or even if she answers the phone, he kept repeating, “Good morning, this is S speaking. I have a problem. Please check your e-mail account as soon as possible! Bye!” He repeated the same words ten times in each calling without knowing that what was going on at the other side of the phone. After giving up on the phone, he turned to the computer screen again. Instead of waiting for the e-mail in front of the screen, he went to the kitchen and made a coffee for himself. A few cookies and coffee! Almost every morning starts by the same way he thought. Without hearing his own voice, he was not even able to witness his curses while killing the ants around the sugar container. With the coffee mug and cookie dish in his hand, he went to the chair in the balcony to watch the city which already woke up long ago and running towards life. For him, the city is not an object. It is a living creature same as a human. It has heart, kidneys, lungs and blood vessels. He looked at the tall and thin buildings on the other side of the street. They were colourful buildings with narrow entrances. He thought that this must be the best way to provide the maximum number of people benefit from the mighty business opportunities of the street. Each building has a narrow entrance means they can have more variety of businesses on the same street without letting power imbalances among the shops. While looking at the shops and the motorcycles passing by, he recalled how much he hated the noise coming from this street in the mornings of weekends. Now there was nothing coming but he was still unhappy. This was definitely not my wish, he said to himself. He went into the bedroom and checked the computer screen if there is any e-mail. A bright happiness spread to his face when he saw the little yellow envelope picture at the right-bottom of the screen.

* * * (To be continued)

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