I came back home very late, after midnight. I tried to find the match in the kitchen nearly 30 minutes but I couldn’t find it. I found it in living room, under the sofa! Everything started to change their places in the house! I am sure that this matchbox always can be easily found in the kitchen, under the oven. My wife puts it there because only this place in the kitchen can keep the match dry from the vapour of cooking. Why did this match come here, in living room, under the sofa? And also what is this table doing here in front of the door? Who put these domino pieces on the floor? I cannot walk! My house looks like a garbage truck! May all these mess be caused by absence of my wife? She left the house last week!
Why did she go? This was a normal discussion, which we do always! Why does she go? To go means to escape from the problem. Does she think, “I am an unbearable man“? Anyway, nobody can say that she is so normal. How many women in the world use hair pins after wasting a lot of time in barber to make their hair curly? And what about money she paid to hair-dresser?
Anyway, she went and I am sure that she will not come back at least for one month. I am sure that she is waiting for me now… I will go and apoligize from her and her mother… I will kiss her mother’s hand. I will beg to her “Please come back! I need you “Noooo! I will not even if I know I will die tomorrow. Why should I go? I can hire a woman for cleaning house and if I can be a little bit more careful about my life, there will be no problem I am sure…I will not feel her absence! What did I do to apoligize? If I argued with her, she argued with me too! She acts like a new bride. We are married for last fifteen years… I will not go and I will not beg! Now, I am going to sleep. I slept for one week without her and I can sleep without her until I die.
Why is this bed so untidy? I left it so! I didn’t try to keep it tidy because I could not find any reason to make it tidy. When I go to sleep, it will be same! To spend the time with this bed is absolutely wasting time…This is same as ironing pyjama before going to sleep! If she has time, she will even try to iron my underwears…
I am now in my bed… I am trying to sleep on my right shoulder because I don’t want to have nightmares. If I dream her, that means I miss her… No, No, No!!! I don’t want! I don’t care her any more. She can do whatever she can! If she went, she may know how to come back! Morever, I am staying away from her troubling voice!
What is that? Something, around my head, is turning and buzzing. It may be a mosquito! This vampire was here yesterday too. You! Blood-sucking monster! Dismiss, get out the room!
If you disturb me, I will kill you! I swear that I will not kill any insect in all my life but If you trouble me, I can renounce. Dismiss now! This is last warning for you! I have to sleep now. Tomorrow morning, if I go to work late, I am sure that the boss will talk to me a lot and probably he will tell me same things. Do I have some problems in my private life? Do I cheat on my wife ? Do I drink alcohol too much and don’t I care my wife enough? It is not your bussiness! If I am late, just fire me off… It is not your bussiness to think and talk about my marriage life.
Are you still here? If you do something, do it quietly! Vizzzzzzz, vizzzzzzz! This sound kills me. It reminds me my wife. She always talks without any break! When I realize that her voice was cut, I start to worry about her. It may be something wrong …She talks when she cooks, when she washes the dishes, when she irons, when she watches and you won’t believe that but even when she has sex…Whenever, I say; please stop talking and let me do what I have to do! You won’t believe that but she stopped making love many times because I said to her something about her talkativeness. She turned her back to me and forced to me to beg her…Please, let’s talk and let me finish what I started to do …Please talk and let me know you are fine and your health has no problem…
Please stop! I don’t want to give up from swear! What do you expect from me? I am not a fat man whom you are looking for! I have no enough blood and no enough fat for you. When I got married, she was very beautiful woman like a super model and I was look like a real man. Now, look at me ! I look like a thin stick… If I can be a little bit taller, they can use my body as a flagpole in front of an official building… And, look at her, she looks like a sack of flour…When you see her , you can say that “don’t walk , you can roll, it is better for you “…
If you want, you can go to see her. You can tell her, you saw me. If you talk about my problems of loneliness, she can be happier. I know her…You don’t know… She can be happier when I am unhappy. When you go out from this window, first turn to right and go straight.When you see the sign of Barbaros Street, take a taxi which has an open window. After seeing a big Ataturk statue, turn right and you will see a small road. There is a wooden house in this road. This is her mother’s house. Probably, she is sleeping now. Go and wake her up! Don’t tell her, I sent you to her. She can torture to you. Be careful! Anyway, you will be a spy from enemy! She can force you to talk…She looks like a cruel queen! You don’t know her, I know…
Do you know how to read? How can you go? Are you illeterate? It doesn’t matter … She can read and write too but what else! I have never seen her when she reads something in her hands. She tells to everybody, she was the president of Literature Club in the university! She lies, I know but nobody else knows. She doesn’t have time to read because of talking. Dir dir dir dir dir dir…. Never stops… If you don’t read, don’t interrupt the man who wants to read. I was taking the books my home same as I was bringing beer … Under my coat or in my back pocket. She was criticizing the books which I was reading too…Why I bought a book about the sexual life of ants or about political history of Hitits… What can I do? I like reading… When she spends a lot of money with other women in the same building for cooking pies and shopping, I did not say anything about money…but my books are luxury. Enemy of book! Fugitive from Medieval Ages!
Look at me, my dear mosquito! You look like a beautiful girl. At least, your buzzing doesn’t bother me any more. I am not escaping from you! Whatever you do, but try to keep your husband at home! I have never read any book about family life of mosquitoes. I promise you, I will find a book and read very soon …
Let me repeat! Keep your husband at home… I started to spend my time out of home because of this woman. Of course, she never gives me a rest at home. What can I do? I went out to see my friends and I started to play some small gambles. She made me to join this kind of parties. And then, I started to come back home very late… Stop, stop! Don’t bite me now! Yesterday, you did enough! Please, this evening leave me unsown. Time is 3 a.m.
Are you asking what happened after that? Let me tell you more! Same as all women, she started to blame me. And then, fighting…
Last week, she left the home and neither called nor asked me for one week. But, I know she worries about me! What else she can think? We have no child so that she can worry about it. How many times I repeated, let us go to see doctor! It may be a small physiological problem. Only doctors can solve this problem. Let us go … No, No … After this age, how can I show my sexual organs to another man. No, my life! Why does the doctor want to see your sexual organs? This is last thing to do. No, no! She went in her own way. First, she went to one witchdoctor in the same building. After she understood it is useless, she started to go to an imam … She recited many religious words, drank holy water but no! Nothing changed! I said, please my rose! Let us go to see doctor…You can pray and beg to God anyway but we have to go first in the way of reason …No, my dear mosquito …I could not convince her…She swears not to go!
Let me finish my dear mosquito! I can tell you more! Fuck off the job in the morning. I will not go to God’s damn work. If I sleep after this time, I can wake up only in the afternoon… May be, I can call her and tell her, “Wake me up in the morning early by calling!” No, no! If I do that, I would be accepting to be a looser. She can think about me “I can not live without her“Yes, I can live… She will come back herself! If she knows how to go, she has to know how to come too! I will wait here! If there is no wife, I can find many friends to talk…This evening, I found you. If you don’t bite me, we can be good friends… Heyyyy ! Are you still here? Where are you, My small friend? Where did you go? Did you leave me? You too, left me without any reason, same as my wife…
In the morning, I used a little bit cream for the places on my face, bitten by the mosquito and went to my wife’s mother’s house… On the road, I said to myself, We have been married for fifteen years and she has never bitten me .
And I have never seen that mosquito again…
Ali Riza Arican / Jan 30 , 2002
Klaeng / Thailand
I came back home very late, after midnight. I tried to find the match in the kitchen nearly 30 minutes but I couldn’t find it. I found it in living room, under the sofa! Everything started to change their places in the house! I am sure that this matchbox always can be easily found in the kitchen, under the oven. My wife puts it there because only this place in the kitchen can keep the match dry from the vapour of cooking. Why did this match come here, in living room, under the sofa? And also what is this table doing here in front of the door? Who put these domino pieces on the floor? I cannot walk! My house looks like a garbage truck! May all these mess be caused by absence of my wife? She left the house last week!
Why did she go? This was a normal discussion, which we do always! Why does she go? To go means to escape from the problem. Does she think, “I am an unbearable man“? Anyway, nobody can say that she is so normal. How many women in the world use hair pins after wasting a lot of time in barber to make their hair curly? And what about money she paid to hair-dresser?
Anyway, she went and I am sure that she will not come back at least for one month. I am sure that she is waiting for me now… I will go and apoligize from her and her mother… I will kiss her mother’s hand. I will beg to her “Please come back! I need you “Noooo! I will not even if I know I will die tomorrow. Why should I go? I can hire a woman for cleaning house and if I can be a little bit more careful about my life, there will be no problem I am sure…I will not feel her absence! What did I do to apoligize? If I argued with her, she argued with me too! She acts like a new bride. We are married for last fifteen years… I will not go and I will not beg! Now, I am going to sleep. I slept for one week without her and I can sleep without her until I die.
Why is this bed so untidy? I left it so! I didn’t try to keep it tidy because I could not find any reason to make it tidy. When I go to sleep, it will be same! To spend the time with this bed is absolutely wasting time…This is same as ironing pyjama before going to sleep! If she has time, she will even try to iron my underwears…
I am now in my bed… I am trying to sleep on my right shoulder because I don’t want to have nightmares. If I dream her, that means I miss her… No, No, No!!! I don’t want! I don’t care her any more. She can do whatever she can! If she went, she may know how to come back! Morever, I am staying away from her troubling voice!
What is that? Something, around my head, is turning and buzzing. It may be a mosquito! This vampire was here yesterday too. You! Blood-sucking monster! Dismiss, get out the room!
If you disturb me, I will kill you! I swear that I will not kill any insect in all my life but If you trouble me, I can renounce. Dismiss now! This is last warning for you! I have to sleep now. Tomorrow morning, if I go to work late, I am sure that the boss will talk to me a lot and probably he will tell me same things. Do I have some problems in my private life? Do I cheat on my wife ? Do I drink alcohol too much and don’t I care my wife enough? It is not your bussiness! If I am late, just fire me off… It is not your bussiness to think and talk about my marriage life.
Are you still here? If you do something, do it quietly! Vizzzzzzz, vizzzzzzz! This sound kills me. It reminds me my wife. She always talks without any break! When I realize that her voice was cut, I start to worry about her. It may be something wrong …She talks when she cooks, when she washes the dishes, when she irons, when she watches and you won’t believe that but even when she has sex…Whenever, I say; please stop talking and let me do what I have to do! You won’t believe that but she stopped making love many times because I said to her something about her talkativeness. She turned her back to me and forced to me to beg her…Please, let’s talk and let me finish what I started to do …Please talk and let me know you are fine and your health has no problem…
Please stop! I don’t want to give up from swear! What do you expect from me? I am not a fat man whom you are looking for! I have no enough blood and no enough fat for you. When I got married, she was very beautiful woman like a super model and I was look like a real man. Now, look at me ! I look like a thin stick… If I can be a little bit taller, they can use my body as a flagpole in front of an official building… And, look at her, she looks like a sack of flour…When you see her , you can say that “don’t walk , you can roll, it is better for you “…
If you want, you can go to see her. You can tell her, you saw me. If you talk about my problems of loneliness, she can be happier. I know her…You don’t know… She can be happier when I am unhappy. When you go out from this window, first turn to right and go straight.When you see the sign of Barbaros Street, take a taxi which has an open window. After seeing a big Ataturk statue, turn right and you will see a small road. There is a wooden house in this road. This is her mother’s house. Probably, she is sleeping now. Go and wake her up! Don’t tell her, I sent you to her. She can torture to you. Be careful! Anyway, you will be a spy from enemy! She can force you to talk…She looks like a cruel queen! You don’t know her, I know…
Do you know how to read? How can you go? Are you illeterate? It doesn’t matter … She can read and write too but what else! I have never seen her when she reads something in her hands. She tells to everybody, she was the president of Literature Club in the university! She lies, I know but nobody else knows. She doesn’t have time to read because of talking. Dir dir dir dir dir dir…. Never stops… If you don’t read, don’t interrupt the man who wants to read. I was taking the books my home same as I was bringing beer … Under my coat or in my back pocket. She was criticizing the books which I was reading too…Why I bought a book about the sexual life of ants or about political history of Hitits… What can I do? I like reading… When she spends a lot of money with other women in the same building for cooking pies and shopping, I did not say anything about money…but my books are luxury. Enemy of book! Fugitive from Medieval Ages!
Look at me, my dear mosquito! You look like a beautiful girl. At least, your buzzing doesn’t bother me any more. I am not escaping from you! Whatever you do, but try to keep your husband at home! I have never read any book about family life of mosquitoes. I promise you, I will find a book and read very soon …
Let me repeat! Keep your husband at home… I started to spend my time out of home because of this woman. Of course, she never gives me a rest at home. What can I do? I went out to see my friends and I started to play some small gambles. She made me to join this kind of parties. And then, I started to come back home very late… Stop, stop! Don’t bite me now! Yesterday, you did enough! Please, this evening leave me unsown. Time is 3 a.m.
Are you asking what happened after that? Let me tell you more! Same as all women, she started to blame me. And then, fighting…
Last week, she left the home and neither called nor asked me for one week. But, I know she worries about me! What else she can think? We have no child so that she can worry about it. How many times I repeated, let us go to see doctor! It may be a small physiological problem. Only doctors can solve this problem. Let us go … No, No … After this age, how can I show my sexual organs to another man. No, my life! Why does the doctor want to see your sexual organs? This is last thing to do. No, no! She went in her own way. First, she went to one witchdoctor in the same building. After she understood it is useless, she started to go to an imam … She recited many religious words, drank holy water but no! Nothing changed! I said, please my rose! Let us go to see doctor…You can pray and beg to God anyway but we have to go first in the way of reason …No, my dear mosquito …I could not convince her…She swears not to go!
Let me finish my dear mosquito! I can tell you more! Fuck off the job in the morning. I will not go to God’s damn work. If I sleep after this time, I can wake up only in the afternoon… May be, I can call her and tell her, “Wake me up in the morning early by calling!” No, no! If I do that, I would be accepting to be a looser. She can think about me “I can not live without her“Yes, I can live… She will come back herself! If she knows how to go, she has to know how to come too! I will wait here! If there is no wife, I can find many friends to talk…This evening, I found you. If you don’t bite me, we can be good friends… Heyyyy ! Are you still here? Where are you, My small friend? Where did you go? Did you leave me? You too, left me without any reason, same as my wife…
In the morning, I used a little bit cream for the places on my face, bitten by the mosquito and went to my wife’s mother’s house… On the road, I said to myself, We have been married for fifteen years and she has never bitten me .
And I have never seen that mosquito again…
Ali Riza Arican / Jan 30 , 2002
Klaeng / Thailand
I'ven't even noticed that you put this story into blog.. finally.. it's about the time i guess,.. very nice one..
YanıtlaSilWao! u wrote very well!
YanıtlaSilvery funny and real! i love the way u express your feelings!
keep it up!