31st July 2006 – 11:45 - Home
Israel is dropping bombs on civilians and the whole world is watching. Didn’t we see this picture before. In the name of “war on terror”, how many more terrorist they will raise… I believe there is one thing worse than terrorism. It is war against terrorism. America invaded Afghanistan and Iraq with the same excuses and we all know then the result is convincingly disastrous. It is because terrorism is not a physical power which you can deal with weapons. It is mental, it is ideological, it is coming from the cancer cells of the society. It must be cured with correct description, correct analysis and correct treatment. I do not separate one terrorist from other one. If one kills civilians –whatever is the cause- can be called as terrorist because it is the way of showing weakness. Those who are killing innocent people do this because they have no other choice for their voice being heard by other people. They must know that it will not solve any problem. They must know that each killing will be part of an indefinitely ongoing chain reaction.
According to the poll in a Israeli website, 60% of Israelis support the war. This explains why Israel does not stop the war against civilians in the name of war against Hezbollah. I wonder how many Hezbollah militants they have killed in last two weeks! I guess 90% of the dead and injured are innocent civilians. Israel insists that one can not be innocent if he/she supports terrorist organizations. Saying this can justify any kind of war crimes because nobody can prove that 23 years old mother with a baby on her breast supported Hezbollah or not. It is because she is dead now, together with her one year old baby. Once you start killing civilians, there are always excuses and there are always pseudo-excuses (lies). You can call your actions by different names and expect the whole world to believe that this dedication to remove cancer cells only justifies your war. Prime Minister of Israel says those killed in Qana strike were hiding rockets and Hezbollah missiles. It is easy to say this but it is hard to prove it. According to Israeli officials, the village must be empty. Well, according to Hezbollah then Gaza strip must be left to Palestinians! Didn’t Israel invade Palestinian lands and send Jewish residents to there? It is all the same story! Cat and mouse! What makes me sad is to see the passive reactions of countries. They do nothing more than watching the dead bodies. UN calls emergency sessions and condemn Israel. Didn’t America hit Iraq just after Iraq invaded Kuwait? If the one who attacks is Israel, all the world becomes more tolerant. We all heard what Bush said during G-8 meetings. He blamed Hezbollah for all this mess and cleared Israel from all the sins. Rice also told to reporters that this is a necessary action (Does she mean killing civilians?) to reshape the Middle Eastern maps. Is America expecting a new war in Middle East? Arab countries seem very reluctant to any kind of war because they like to make more and more money during the peace times. Any war in Middle East will destroy their economies and decrease their profits from oil reserves. It seems nobody wants a war other than blood-thirsty two nations!
Personally speaking, it is impossible to support either of these two countries in this unfair war. My heart goes with Lebanese people since they are weaker and they are the ones under the attacks. Although Israel does not have enough reason to attack on the civilians, they might have reasons like protecting their own civilians or kidnapped soldiers. Nobody can say Hezbollah is an innocent organization and if Lebanon supports Hezbollah militants, then the solution becomes harder for the entire world. I heard that those soldiers were in Lebanese lands during the time of kidnapping. I searched on internet but could not find any information. If they were captured in Lebanese side, then Israel becomes guiltier of the crimes they are committing now. It might be because they were wrong at the beginning and all the mess is about to make people to forget what happened on the day of kidnapping. It is the power-syndrome! If those who have power are wrong, then the destruction would be more severe.
I could not do anything this morning. I looked at the pictures and read the news about the war. This only was enough to kill my energy. It is not the empathy makes me idle but feeling like I can’t do anything for those who are in need of help. It is all sad! It is all blood and tears. We are killing each other to save ourselves. Basically, because this can not be true, we just make ourselves to believe these temporary lies. Yesterday, I was reading Montaigne again. Here what he says about the attacks of Israel: It is a custom of our justice to punish some as a warning to others. We do not improve the man we hang, we improve others by him. The intention is to stop them from repeating the same mistake or to make others avoid their error.
Is it what Israel doing now? Is killing civilians help Hezbollah militants to understand what they have done wrong by kidnapping two soldiers? I would say it will only cause more troubles for Israel in the future because each bomb Israel drops on Lebanon, will give birth to thousands of new Hezbollah militants. History is full of examples of this. Turkey knows this, America knows this and I am sure Israel knows this too.
Here there are some pictures of war for the ones who can bear to see the ugly scenes of our real world (our nature). http://www.muslimcontent.com/israeli_war_crimes_in_lebanon_in_pictures-14072006
I hope this war will end soon…
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