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30 Aralık 2009

You Are Kissing a Colossal Child

I wish you know what exactly you kiss when you kiss me!
In an evening everyone withdraws one by one
you kiss the loneliness that flows towards the road like black water. 
In your mouth, the urgent taste of plums, 
You kiss the slap landing on the dreams of a boy, 
whose hands are clouds, eyes are a field with crops.
Rain does not always bring the rainbow. 
The throbbing of waiting at the door ajar, 
the more she loses, the more it adds to my life,
you are kissing the long nights and pale body of a woman. 
The moonlight that catches the distant mountain villages
creates palaces with mud-bricks towards poverty.
Neither the vibrations in the water nor the sky nor the wind; 
you kiss an unstoppably darkening country whenever you kiss me. 

Drunken men on Sakarya street to the nights that are misted with raki. 
They are drawing something with their high-pitch voice.
Loneliness can always find a shelter, I say. 
You reach and kiss my trembling lips. 
Love in the heart of men who grow up silently 
beats ferociously wherever it falls. 
To utter elegance with the taste of rust in one’s mouth 
is a ridiculous sincerity, late and meek. 
You kiss the sedimentary of a wrong life whenever you kiss me. 
Love is one’s only chance against time. 
It can find its mirrors among innumerable doors and walls. 
Do you know what you kiss when you kiss me? 
In an evening everybody becomes pitch-black
you kiss the seven-colored sky with its stars. 

You, with the light of a mother in your eyes 
kiss a colossal child who was born out of pallidity. 

 Şükrü Erbaş (1953) Translated to English by Ali Rıza Arıcan. (30.12.2009) 

Sen bende neleri öpüyorsun bir bilsen 
Herkesin perde perde çekildiği bir akşam 
Siyah bir su gibi yollara akan yalnızlığı öpüyorsun 
Ağzında eriklerin aceleci tadı 
Elleri bulut, gözleri ot bürümüş ekin tarlası 
Bir çocuğun düşlerine inen tokadı öpüyorsun. 
Yağmur her zaman gökkuşağını getirmiyor 
Aralık kapılarda bekleyişin çarpıntısı 
Bir kadının eksildikçe ömrüme eklenen 
Uzun gecelerini, solgun gövdesini öpüyorsun. 
Uzak dağ köylerine vuran ay ışığı 
Kerpiçlerden saraylar kuruyor yoksulluğa 
Ne suların ibrişimi ne gökyüzü ne rüzgâr 
Sen bende gittikçe kararan bir halkı öpüyorsun. 

Sakarya Caddesi'nde sarhoşlar 
Rakıyla buğulanmış kaldırımlarına gecenin 
Yüksek sesle bir şeyler çiziyorlar. 
Yalnızlık her koşulda bir sığınak bulur, diyorum 
Uzanıp dudağımdaki titremeyi öpüyorsun. 
Örseler acıyla düştüğü yeri 
Susarak büyüyen adamların sevgisi. 
Ağzında pas tadıyla bir inceliği söylemek 
Bir gülünç içtenliktir, gecikmiş ve ezik 
Sen bende yanlış bir ömrün tortusunu öpüyorsun. 
İnsanın zamana karşı biricik şansıdır aşk 
Onca kapı onca duvar içinde bulur aynasını. 
Sen bende neleri öpüyorsun biliyor musun 
Herkesin simsiyah kesildiği bir akşam 
Yıldızlarla yedirenk gökyüzünü öpüyorsun. 

Sen bende, gözlerinin anne ışığıyla 
Bir solgunluktan doğan kocaman bir çocuğu öpüyorsun.

Şükrü Erbaş (1953)

25 Aralık 2009

Merry Christmas


Lethe* is passing through inside me, dragging the past loves and the untold stories.
Despite the police and the government, I keep moving, struggling and being adrift.
A half of me is compassion, the other half is scrimmage, the rest is human
I ride the circles that are made of my compasses, my radius and my center.
I am approaching to an abyss behind a crippled guide, to cliffs and to a river.

Ants have taken the roads, with or without rumbles, ruptured from soul.
A wounded cockroach is walking lame, surrounded by millions of motored ants.
I am diving into the crowd, to the lights and noise, to the city and carelessness.
A couple of hands begging for Christmas, for the sake of waste pouring from the sky.
While a few coins land to his hands, merry Christmas he says and waves a good bye.

A little girl touches my leg, a lucky lottery ticket from an unlucky childhood!
A life passes through my trousers, my orbit is love, my radius is revolution**.
I buy a ticket and pay with a smile for the portion of happiness that she deserves
Passing the houses whose balconies are full of kitch, dangling down to the streets.
God is great says the little girl. God is love, God is love, God is love, she repeats .

A few more steps, a thief, perhaps a bag snatcher, perhaps a banker or a politician.
Written on their foreheads, impossibility of difference, one is out-law, one is above.
When all boundaries are drawn by money, is there still a difference between in and out?
A pegasus with white wings, a santa clause, a sparkling princess and an old blind musician
God is mercy he shouts behind his lightful darkness, his voice lacks of ambition.

The fake smile that I borrowed from my friends is lost at the end of the road
Irresponsibility is freedom, freedom is capitalism and free market.
Whenever I stare at this abyss, I see myself and the lying mirrors.
Like an invisible man, my absence is being noticed only when I return.
Pleasure is possible only when the pain ends, when the suffering burns.

You, I, we and they cannot live together in peace so we have this crowd.
It is the dream land at where we dont look, we will never look.
There is no god, there is only human, love, mercy and happiness.
Till the day all people of the world are content and free
There will be no Christmas happy and merry.

Ali Riza ARICAN, 25 December 2009

* Lethe: the river of forgetting in greek mythology.

** The phrase "my orbit is love, my radius is revolution." belongs to a Turkish poet, Pinar Nurhan, Modern Cinayetlerin Kokusu, 37.

21 Aralık 2009

Yarım Porsiyon Aydınlık / Half Portion Intellectuality

At your usual corner
At your usual bar
Whiskey and carrot in front of you
And your hand is at your chin
Your eyebrow is a bit high
You look so pedantic!
Without producing anything
You only know how to criticize…

You know the best on cinema
On theater and music too
Sculpture, painting and literature
must be asked to you
You don’t know the price of the bread
But economic-politics…
When you beat your wives
How scientific you are!…

This summer you were in the south again
Plenty of raki*, sun and sea
Everything was perfect but
You did not like the local people

Here and there, it is all the same bars
It is the same half portion intellectuality
The same faces, the same words
Swear to God, you did not change at all…

Here and there, it is all the same bars
It is the same half portion intellectuality
The same faces, the same words
Swear to God, you did not change at all…

* rakı: Turkish alcoholic beverage, similar to Greek ouzo.

Her zaman ki köşenizde
Her zaman ki barınızda
Önünüzde viski ve havuç
Ve bir eliniz çenenizde
Kaşınız hafifçe yukarıda
Bakışlarınız ne kadar bilgiç
Hiçbir şey üretemeden
Sadece eleştirirsiniz

Sinemadan siz anlarsınız
Tiyatrodan müzikten
Heykel resim edebiyat
Sorulmalı sizden
Ekmeğin fiyatını bilmezsiniz
Ama ekonomik poliika
Karılarınızı döverken siz
Ne kadar bilimselsiniz

Bu yaz yine güneydeydiniz
Bol rakı güneş ve deniz
Her şey bir harikaydı ancak
Yerli halkı beğenmediniz

Burda da orda da o aynı barlar
Hep o yarım porsiyon aydınlık
Aynı çehreler aynı laflar
Vallahi hiç değişmemişsiniz

Burda da orda da o aynı barlar
Hep o yarım porsiyon aydınlık
Aynı çehreler aynı laflar
Vallahi hiç değişmemişsiniz

12 Aralık 2009

Namus Belası

Honour Crime

Once I fell in prison cells, so many people start giving advice
If I put those advices together, a road from here to village can be made
On difficult days, mother, father, sister, brother become strangers
The blood we spill for the honor crime is ours

We are all from Turhal, we all look alike
One thousand times we quit and again we start drinking wine
The horse is ours, the woman is ours, the weapon is ours, the fame is ours
The prison where we are locked in for the honor crime is ours.

My bride, my tall girl, before we arrive to each other
Before I opened your veil and sit with you knee by knee
They kidnapped you and brought to far away
The life we take for the honor crime is ours

Forgive me my aga*, forgive me my bey**, I regret my wrongdoings
Neither a word is missing nor is a word extra. I said everything
Break the pen***, give me my punishment, why would I want to live more
The life we give up for the honor crime is ours.

* Aga: Turkish word which means elder brother. However, it also means the respected person in rural areas who own a lot of lands and rule the village.

** Bey: Turkish word for respected man. It can be translated as “sir” or “master”.

*** Break the pen: In Turkish tradition, if the judge breaks the pen, this means the final decision of the court is death penalty.

Namus Belası

Düştüm mapus damlarına öğüt veren bol olur
Toplasam o öğütleri burdan köye yol olur
Ana baba bacı kardaş dar günümde el olur
Namus belasına kardaş döktüğümüz kan bizim

Hep bir hallı Turhallıyız biz bize benzeriz
Yüz bin kere tövbe eder gene şarap içeriz
At bizim avrat bizim silah bizim şan bizim
Namus belasına kardaş yatarız zindan bizim

Kız gelinim suna boylum varamadan biz bize
Besmeleyle yüzün açıp oturmadan diz dize
Almış kaçırmışlar seni çökertmişler ıssıza
Namus belasına kardaş kıydığımız can bizim

Ağam kurban beyim kurban hallarımı eyledim
Ne bir eksik ne bir fazla hepsi tamam söyledim
Kır kalemi kes cezamı yaşamayı neyledim
Namus belasına kardaş verdiğimiz can bizim