Bu Blogda Ara

15 Ekim 2024



1.      Break your chains, and be free. Running (writing) is about freedom, loosening the bolts and screws that identify us as members of a rigid social hierarchy. To regain your freedom, you first need to leave your devices behind, the devices that wrap your consciousness like invisible threads of a spider. We leave them behind for two reasons. One, they are physically heavy, and cause trouble to your physical movements. Two, they distract your mind, and keep you connected with the world. When you run (write), you run against the world, against your demons, against the people who constantly watch you and expect you to get their approvals.

 2.      Be ready for running (writing). Grab your gear. Shorts, running shoes, a light T-shirt, good socks, a water bottle… Do not run or do another heavy physical activity during the daytime if you plan to run in the evening. Stop creating excuses, and stop succumbing to their alluring calls. The world is full of people and events that want to keep you away from yourself. However, you know the cure is in solitude, it’s in truth. Only when you run, will you realize that “you are not a drop in the ocean, you are an ocean in a drop.”

 3.      When you come to the tracks (sit on your chair to write), set your goal as a distance. 20 laps, from here to there, 5 km etc… Don’t worry about your time or speed. Time doesn’t exist for runners especially if you are a beginner. All you must do is to reach your goal without stopping. Once you start running, you cannot stop and sit. You can slow down, speed up, and sometimes walk, but no matter how slow you are, you always need to move and finish your goal before you start having rest or chitchat.

 4.      While running (writing), stay away from long conversations. Brief greetings and a few casual words between you and another fellow runner are more than enough. Keep your mind focused on running, let your mind wander on random thoughts. Think of nice things in life, or a conversation you had with your parents a few days ago, or a math problem that you couldn’t solve.

 5.      If you ran 10 laps and then walked 2 laps and then ran another 8 more laps, you basically ran 10 laps on that day. Not 20, not 18. You still reached your goal of 20 laps but you ran only 10 laps. So, running means doing it non-stop from beginning to end. The most important thing is to find your rhythm, your pace, your comfortable speed, and then go with it until the end. If you feel out of breath, slow down. If you feel too relaxed, speed up. You are your own boss, and nobody here has the right to judge your speed. Running very fast for 10 seconds and then stopping for 2 minutes and then running another 20 seconds… This is NOT running. Go slow but go steady, go continuously. Great achievements in life are like digging a well with a needle. It is the same for writing a novel or running a marathon…

 6.      Why do you think this club is called “Creative Writing and Running Club”? Because both of these human activities require the same three things: strong self-discipline, exceptional stamina for long-lasting pressure, and a clear, focused, goal-oriented mind. So, this club is not aiming to train you better runners only, it also aims to make you achievers, not quitters.  Those who quit easily can never get to a good point in life. You need to have self-discipline, stamina for hardship, and a mindset for your goals. Running is a kind of training that will eventually prepare your mind for your future life. It cannot guarantee wins but at least you will learn not to quit a task before you complete it with high quality (without cheating or using the shortcuts).  

 7.      Remember running is not for physical health, it is for mental health. We don’t believe in the Cartesian Dualism of body and mind. Mind is nothing but an invisible part of your body and body is nothing but a physical extension of your mind.  If you don’t feel better after running, that means there is a bigger problem in your life that cannot be solved by running. Running is more like an iron. It can smoothen the creases on your clothes, but it cannot fix the broken parts that need to be patched.

 8.      If you feel nauseous, dizzy, have shortness of breath, or stomach pain (spasms); you must stop immediately, get some water, and rest for 10-15 minutes. Dehydration or heat strokes are extremely dangerous, and they can happen in climates like ours in Shenzhen. Do your best to reach your goal but do not kill or injure yourself. Drinking one or two glasses of water and visiting the restroom before the start of running can be a good idea.  

 9.      When you run on the tracks, be respectful to others. Keep on one lane and once you want to take over another runner, do it with kindness. Don’t push or pull anyone, don’t cut anybody’s way, don’t cause trouble. Remember, it is you and the world only. The others should not occupy your mind and you should not occupy their lanes.

 10.  After running, go home, take a shower, and start having rest. Drink plenty of water and don’t eat a heavy meal. Spend time with your family and friends (preferably offline). Don’t do another physical activity, don’t push yourself too hard. Go to bed early and have a spotless sleep. Next morning, you will feel genuinely fresh and energetic. And happy as well. You are happy because you reached your goal on Friday, so you are better than 95% of the people on Earth who talk, complain, and whine but do nothing tangible to reach their goals. You are a doer, not a quitter! You are a lion, not a Mickey Mouse! One day, when you feel ready, you will run a marathon, and with a medal on your neck, you will look back and read this manifesto again. You will smile with a little bit feeling of nostalgia and thank me. Until that day, keep working for your goals and be proud of yourself… 

                                                                                     October 1st 2024, Shenzhen

* A little piece of writing to motivate my students (club members) and to ensure they will come to our Friday afternoon runs, they will run (not walk or stand still) and complete their goals. 

03 Ekim 2024

Sürgünden Öte (7)


Yukarıda yazdıklarımı neden bu kadar detayına girerek, bir de senden öğrendiğim basmakalıp tekniklerle niçin bu derece dramatize ederek anlattığımı ben de bilmiyorum. Tamamlamak için aylardır bir taraflarımı yırttığım -Ne kadar zormuş yazmak!- bu metne faydadan çok zararı mı olacak acaba, en başta senin olmak üzere diğer tüm okurların içini mi şişirmiş oldum bu lüzumsuz tali yollara sapmakla? Aramızda bir nebze mütekabiliyet ya da eşitlik olsun diye anlattım sanırım. İçimdeki susmak bilmeyen adalet duygusunun galip gelişi, beni ve planlarımı alaşağı edişi de denilebilir. Bu vakte kadar benim gözümden kendini dinledin, şimdi biraz da benim gözümden beni dinle diye aklımdan geçirmiş olabilirim. Öyle ya, sen böyle evliliğin getirdiği düzenli hayatın renkli nimetlerinden, hiç beklemediği bir anda cennet bahçesine düşmüş bir şapşal gibi nemalanırken; benim hayatımda da tam tersi yönde olayların gerçekleşmiş olduğunu, sen çıkıyorken benim indiğimi, Fizik biliminin tartışma götürmez bir kanununu bir kere daha gözlemle tasdik ediyor oluşumuzu bilmek istersin diye düşünmüş de olabilirim. Ne de olsa hiçbir zaman yüz yüze buluşmayacağız değil mi? Bir masanın iki tarafına karşılıklı oturup senin en sevdiğin Hakka usulü doujiaoqiezi[1]  yemeyeceğiz ya da Barfly’da kirli bir sarı ışığın altında, karşılıklı bira içip amatör gitarcıların gece yarısına doğru yayılan melankolik melodilerini dinlemeyeceğiz. Adımı bile öğrenemeyeceksin, yukarıda verdiğim bilgilerin doğruluğunu kabul etsen ve üniversite kayıtlarını didik didik etsen bile beni bulman, benimle bir araya gelmen, benden hesap sorman imkânsız. Bu metinde duygular ve olaylar gerçek, kişiler ve kurumlar kurmaca. Buna anlatıcı da dahil. Dikkat ettiysen yazdığım şeye öykü ya da mektup diyemiyorum artık, metin diyorum. Anı desek daha mı iyi olur acaba? İyi ama kimin anıları bunlar? Adı bile bilinmeyen, varlığı kuşku götüren, takip ettiği adama sırılsıklam tutulan Çinli bir ajanın mı? Bu satırları müstehzi bakışlarınla okuduğunu ve sol elini, yol verdiğin bir yayaya sallıyormuşsun gibi sallayarak “Bunlar teknik detaylar kuzum, geçelim bu lafazanlıkları.” dediğini duyuyor gibiyim, “Sadede gel, hikâyeye dön, okuru sıkma kendi küçük hayatının küçük sorunlarıyla. Kime ne senin aşk meşk dalgalarından.”

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