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08 Mayıs 2011

Diary of a Mouse Living in 1.6.07 - 2nd day

May 8th 20.. – Sunday – 23:45

Dear Diary,

I did not write anything all day. Office was empty. Not a single human being came. Not even that crazy professor who re-writes history of science in a reverse fashion showed up. I read the first draft which he left on his desk. He starts with Einstein and goes back towards Thales or perhaps till the invention of wheel. I am not sure what exactly he would like to achieve. I got bored after 20 pages and went to read my favourite collection of Sherlock Holmes. But dear diary, I could not focus on my favourite stories either. As you know we are nocturnal animals so our eyes are not so good to read long time. I went back home to sleep but sleep never came as if I was guilty of something. I left the office for a while, went down on the grass to feel the strong sunshine on my body but still something inside me kept bothering my balance. I lied on the grass, forgetting the threat of snake or raven attacks, looked at the sun and tried to analyse my mind. But it did not work! Wherever I go, whatever I do, it did not matter. Something was missing, something that I never knew it existed before. It was like a huge lump of mass sitting in my stomach and making me feel uneasy all the time.

Is this the melancholy of love? I don’t know. I don’t remember when I felt this way last time. It is a good feeling in one way because it made me expect something from my future life. However, when I think of the consequences and the possible conflicts that I will need to overcome, I was too scared. Yes, this is love, not only a simple infatuation but desperate conditions are hard to ignore. I believe that love is the only kind of loss of freedom which eventually strengthens us. However, does she also believe this? Does my princess understand me?

With this low morale, I did not go to seventh revolutionary meeting either. I did not want my comrades sense my discombobulation. Also with this state of mind, one cannot contribute to the meeting. I was full of her, every single cell in my body was dreaming about her all the time. I wandered outside and inside the building, killed my Sunday with silly daydreams. When I got back home in the evening I saw a note from the meeting committee. It said “You will be excommunicated from the revolutionary committee if you miss one more meeting.” I felt sad as for me revolution against the rats, throwing them out of our land and creating an equal society have been the biggest priority for me since I was a little mouse. This is how we all read the ANIFA and memorized a big portion of it.

Hoping that this diary is kept secret from the party –and from the people-, I can here reveal the secret behind this name. The word ANIFA is created by the first half of both words of the famous novel “ANIMAL FARM”. It is called ANIFA because we read only the first half of the book which mentions how animals win over men. The second half is banned in the entire mice community because according to our Great Leader, this part should be read after the revolution. Actually, I read the second half on computer screen and know the entire story till the end but cannot mention it to anyone in the community. Our Great Leader –I should write “great leader”- says we must know ANIFA by heart till the day of revolution, till we kick the asses of those lazy rats, those parasites who do nothing but steal from hard-working mice. Then we will re-write the second part of the book without needing to have the dictator Napoleon or the exiled Snowball.

The book includes most of the original work from Orwell’s Animal Farm but at some points there are changes made by the great leader. He made sure that the rules work fine for the entire mice community and we can have a good pre-revolutionary lives with minimum sacrifices. Some parts are modified to adapt it to mice population. For example, our first principle is “All mice are equal.”, the second principle is “No mice are more equal.”, third one is “Our natural enemies are snakes, cats, dogs, ravens and of course humans. Our secret enemy is rats.”...

Now dear diary, I am writing here because I know no one in the mice community will read these words. If they read, they will kick me out of the community and this will be my end as an honourable mouse. I don’t agree with the last commandment. I believe humans and mice can be good friends, can work together for a better future. Yes, they use us in the laboratories in order to find remedies for fatal diseases; they kill millions of us for drug tests. They also make millions of dollars by using our names in cartoon movies –I cannot stop loving Jerry! He is my idol!- or for a gadget connected to each one of the desktop computers around the world. But aren’t all these evidences to prove my proposition of “we can be friends.” I understand our great leader’s point that human beings are the cruellest animal on the surface of the earth but we should look from the perspective of “greater common good”.

Mutual benefits can be guaranteed by certain contracts and we can live in peace same as dogs and cats do now. Like all living organisms, humans too would like to live longer. For this they use a few millions of knockout mice –genetically modified ones- and later create even more millions of mice. Those knockout mice would not even have existed if humans did not create them for the purpose of medical research. Why do they do this? Because humans and mice share a high degree of homology, the whole thing makes sense. Besides, there are millions of people around the world –not in Vietnam yet but surely it will arrive here as well if we can wait a bit more- who feed mice at home as pets. This is another proof of humans and mice can be and must be friends.

I don’t want my comrades reading this diary after my death thinking that I want to set up a friendship between humans and mice because I am in love with a human. First of all, I don’t believe that love is a betrayal to the revolution. I love the revolution and I love my sweetheart. Maybe I will convert her to a great revolutionary road too. Who can prove I cannot? Secondly, I know a lot about time management. Love will not steal my time which otherwise I would be spending for the revolution. I am a mature mouse who knows how to deal with his emotions and his serious goals. I know our species will not be in peace until we throw all the rats out of the land they took from us, until all mice become equal and share everything they hunt.

Besides this, I also don’t like the idea of exalting the great leader as if he is a gift from heavens. If we would like to have a truly socialist society in which all mice can live in peace after getting rid of the big fat rats, we need to stop respecting individuals and should look for the best for the community. History is full of bad examples of exalting great leaders and their ideas. The final result is usually a disaster with mass starvations or mass killings. Both are the same anyway! I believe we mice are smart animals and we know that individuals are mortal, their ideas are mortal too. What is eternal is the community and their well-being.

I have to go now to look after my kids. They must be awake now, seeking food.

Long live the revolution, long live the friendship between humans and mice, long live my beloved kindle...

May 9th 20.. – Monday - 22:44

To be continued...


1 yorum:

  1. Adsız4:40 ÖS

    Dear struglling mouse,

    What is your name?
    How strong you need to be! you are fighting against rat- Good luck! However I don't know what is the difference between rat and mouse...from human's view...

    By the way, what is the main reason you didn't join the meeting? It is becasue of non-trust to future of revolution or menifesto that your enemy is human?
